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Search Engine Optimization

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a process of improving the quality of your website content to increase your chances to rank or appear in search results. This results in more traffic for your website which means more business. Building a website without SEO does not help your business the way it could. SEO is a bridge connection between your website and possible audience. It helps search engines indexing and ranks your website based on the content on your website. SEO costs you a one-time setup effort or service fee and it benefits you down the road bringing free of cost traffic to your website. The other way to bring traffic to your website is paid advertising which brings more traffic than SEO, obviously, but it also costs you an average of $5 per visit/visitor. You can set your daily spending based on your budget.

How to Setup SEO?

First of all, you need to conduct detailed market research. In this research, you target your possible location which varies from business to business, for example for an online retailer, the location can be a province or country. For a mechanic shop, the location can be a part of the city or a city (wherever they are located).


Keywords are the words used by internet users in order to search for a specific product or service. In other words, on a search engine (for example Google), most searched words are keywords. Keywords can be different based on your targeted location. You need to refine the keyword that suits best for your products or services. You pick the right keyword based on the size of your business, budget and market competition. For example, in some cases, higher competition means lower chances of competing in search results.

Web design keywords

Where to use keywords?

The best place to include the keywords is in the meta title and meta description. Use the best keywords in this section while making sure that your meta title and meta description make sense or it has the ability to convince the internet users to click on your website link that appeared in a search result. An ideal meta/page title should be less than 60 characters and a meta description should be less than 160 characters. Other best options to use keywords are H1, H2, H3 headings. You can also use keywords in the back end of your website.

Page title and description

What’s up next?

Now it’s time to contact a search engine (most likely Google) to come to crawl your website. In the crawling process, which can take up to 8 weeks, search engine schedules their crawler to come to scan your website for ranking indexing in their search engine. A crawler is a program or software developed by a search engine that automatically reads or scans a website’s content. A crawler is also known as a robot or spider.

Benefits of SEO

Following is a screenshot of one of the websites we set up SEO. They got 99 clicks in six months. If you multiple 99 with $5 ($5 is an average cost per click on Google AdWords) which is a $495 return in the first six months.

Google Search Console Dashboard

The SEO setup sounds simple but not easy. You need lots of experience to set it up properly for optimized results. Contact us today for a special offer on SEO setup.

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